

Basic Information for the New Members

1. Historical backgroundWe see the evidence in the Tokugawa Shugunate document "Igamono Yuishogaki (A long and distingui...


Our ancestors started to work for Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1582 by the request from Hattori Hanzo, and were officially employe...

Ninshi Yoriai Zoom Meet

忍士寄合 Ninshi-Yoriai Zoom MeetFor the members of the Shinobi Samurai Order who finished the first 5 reports, I'm planning ...

Our ninjutsu

Dear Shinobishu, though we use sword fighting kata when we explain our ninjutsu, please be sure to know that we don't th...

The Shinobi 1st class

QualificationsThose who completed more than 5 reports.Your regional news or article about places of interest will be pla...

The Onmitsu 2nd class

Qualifications・Always consistent and reliable・Able to plan and lead volunteer work・Capable of serving as a team leader, ...

The Shinobi Time

It is the “Shinobi time”; the time of the endurance now. So it’s an opportunity for us to think what the shinobi are.Spe...

Ninshido : A new paradigm in the Order of Shinobi-Samurai

This is the abstract of the presentation we gave at the third annual convention of the International Ninja Research Asso...

What is important for us

When people say, “Thank God, things turned out all right.” The comment makes the shinobi smile, when the shinobi were th...